You know what, i just have a thought of dyeing my hair green(coz that is the only colour yet to be try by mee)..suddenly a polar bear from Higashiyama Zoo connected with my inner soul maybe and do it 1st. Dem u polar bear. Nah crapping, actually three polar bears in the zoo changed their colours in July after swimming in a pond with an overgrowth of algae. very irresponsible of the japanese to let this matter just liddat. i knew this gonna happen since the day they attacked MALAYA!! bad japang haha. enuff crapping the motive im putting this handsome+greenish looking polar bear in my blog because someone cant see the arts of dyeing hair.even a white polar bear dyed his fur to green and it look fantastic. why cant i dye green? why? tell me why? for sure i will look amazing with green head. hope you change your mind after seeing this handsome polar bear and yea i wish uniten lake is like Higashiyama Zoo laa, i can just go to the lake and rendam my head inside the water for half an hour and tadaaa..my hair turns GREEN! but sad things is uniten lake is not like i wished and i cant save my money because i need to go to kedai and dye it. i know few of you might think "why dont syafiq just give a shot and rendam his head inside uniten lake?"..ooo hell noo..are u crazy man? the last man i saw inside the lake was Deva the bulu-man and look at him now. HIS HAIR GETTING LESSER DAY BY DAY. ahaha..psst: cha its just a blog.dont get mad ok! but you know im not lie-ing bout your hair too..lol.and yea thank you mr polar bear for supporting me by letting your white fur turns GREEN!
wooooah -__-'
woh very rare la!
go green dad :D
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